Billy Foster, PhD

Billy Foster

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Ask a physicist how long it would take a bowling ball to land if you dropped it from the roof of your house. He will happily assume that your house is located in a vacuum, and then proceed to calculate the right answer. Ask an engineer to predict the path of a billiard ball after it is struck at a certain angle. He will assume that there is no such thing as friction, and the accuracy of his prediction will give him no cause for regret. Ask an economist to predict the effects of a rise in the gasoline tax. He will assume that all people are rational and give you a pretty accurate response. — Steven E. Landsburg, The Armchair Economist (1993)

Posts Tagged ‘industrial organization’

Industrial Organization
Course number:


“It is not enough to prove that a given industry is not competitive. The crucial question is: how far do the conditions in the industry depart from competition? In many and perhaps most cases the answer is that the departures are not large.”

– George Stigler, The Theory of Price, 1946


Industrial Organization studies market structures, how concentrated industries are, to what extent firms can exercise monopoly power, mergers and takeovers. We will also study the impact of industry structures on consumers: price discrimination, product differentiation, advertising, research and development. Understanding industrial organization brings economic reasoning to cases for which the analyses of extremes of perfect competition or monopoly are not sufficient.


Modern Industrial Organization
Carlton and Perloff
ISBN: 0312180232

The Winner’s Curse
Richard Thaler
ISBN: 0691019347

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