Posts Tagged ‘principles of microeconomics’
It takes an entire civilization to build a toaster. Designer Thomas Thwaites found out the hard way, by attempting to build one from scratch: mining ore for steel, deriving plastic from oil … it’s frankly amazing he got as far as he got. A parable of our interconnected society, for designers and consumers alike.
Principles of Microeconomics
Course numbers:
UIC – ECON 120
“A planted seed has value long before it becomes a tree. The potential benefits are enough to give it value. Teaching is the planting of seeds. Knowledge, or even better, wisdom, is an investment like a tree that goes on and on producing fruit. But unlike a fruit tree, you have no idea when the fruit will come or what kind it will be.”
– Russell Roberts, The Price of Everything p. 168
This course is an introduction to microeconomics. We will be looking at some general beliefs about how firms, individuals, and households respond to changes in incentives.
Modern Principles: Microeconomics, First Edition
Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok
Publisher: Worth
ISBN: 1-4292-4638-3